Rebecca's Twin
Rebecca has a twin sister who lives in sunny California!! Well, not quite....oh yes, she DOES live in California, but she is of course not really Becky's twin :) But she may as well be! I've never met any other little girl before that looks SO MUCH like our Sweetie! Her name is Kira, and I met her mom Sarah on the Internet when the girls were around 1, I believe? We emailed each other occassionally and chatted a few times on MSN, but then somehow lost touch for quite awhile (nearly 2 years?) and just got reconnected again not long ago. It's been nice catching up and seeing pictures, and seeing that the girls still do look very much alike! Sarah posted a very similar post on her blog, she had asked me if it was ok for her to do so just before I was going to ask her the same thing! She was showing her 6 year old son pictures of Becky from my blog, and he thought it was his sister Kira, but couldn't figure out who all the other people in the pictures were! It would be so cool if we could all meet in person one day. Hey, I need an excuse to travel to California, wouldn't meeting Becky's twin be a good reason? :)