Monday, June 02, 2008

2 months old

Here are a few pics I took today of Rachel, who turned 2 months old today.

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Sunday, June 01, 2008


I managed to get a few pictures tonight of Rachel smiling. She's been smiling lots now but it's hard to catch with the camera cause it happens so fast! The second picture is my favourite.

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There was a beautiful rainbow out tonight. We don't have the best view from our house with all the buildings around, but here are some pictures I took.

"As long as it's healthy"

I hear this comment a lot from people when they (or somebody close to them) are expecting a baby. When asked if they are having a boy or a girl, often times the response is: "Oh, it doesn't really matter, as long as it's healthy." I heard that comment again today, and just thought I'd write down some thoughts on that. Before having Rebecca, I think I may have said the same thing. On more than one occasion. I thought nothing of it, and did not expect to NOT have a healthy baby. That happens to other people, not us! "We don't really care what we're having, as long as it's healthy." NOW, whenever I hear that comment, I feel so different about it. I always think, well what if the baby is NOT healthy? Does that mean you would want it or love it any less?? I don't think so!!! I always think of our sweet Rebecca when I hear people saying that now. She is blind, has severe brain damage, can't walk, talk, sit or even roll over....but I LOVE her no matter what, healthy or not! Now believe me, I do NOT hold anything against anybody who ever said that statement. I know they don't mean anything bad by it, and of course we all hope for healthy babies! But, what if your baby is born with a disability? And the 'as long as it's healthy' part no longer applies?
Just my humble opinion, and something to think about.

Well, it's about time!

Well, it's about time for an update. I haven't been good at keeping up with this blog, mainly cause just about everyone who would look at this is also on Facebook. But I do enjoy reading and looking at other people's blogs, I am just too lazy to keep up my own!

So Rachel is 2 months old now. She's changed so much, that newborn stage sure goes by fast! She is now smiling and talking ('cooing') at us which is so cute to see. She still does not have too much of a 'routine' with sleeping but she has had some good nights where she slept 6 hrs straight....that only happened twice though so far. I've enjoyed being able to go for some walks with her in the stroller, something I hardly ever did with Rebecca since she absolutely hated being in the stroller.

Here are some recent pics of Rachel and her big sister Rebecca.

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