Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Today was another beautiful, sunny day outside. Well at least until this evening, when we got some rain. I finally finished planting some flowers tonight, just before the rain came. Some of them look pretty pitiful still, but hopefully they will get revived and grow, hope the Miracle-Gro does it's job!
This afternoon Rebecca's friend Jonas came over for a visit. He is a little boy 4 months younger than Rebecca that also has cerebral palsy. Here are some pictures of the two of them from when they first met, till now:

First date: March 23, 2006
Second date: January 4, 2007
Third date: Today! June 13, 2007


Michelle said...

Cute couple! Does Jonas live in Yellowknife too?

Monika said...

Yes he does, just a few blocks away!

Michelle said...

Very cute couple! :o) My how they both have grown over the year.

Michelle said...

Hello....anybody home? I'm missing your updates! :)