Monday, March 24, 2008

Still waiting...

I guess it's been awhile since I've posted! It is now 2 days before my due date (due Wed the 26th), and we are still waiting for the baby to arrive. Unfortunately Calvin had a cold last week, and now a few days ago Rebecca and I both got it, just as he was starting to feel better. Rebecca's coughing and I've got a headache, stuffed up and coughing, ughhhh! I never thought I'd actually wish to go overdue, but in this case I do, I can not imagine going through labor feeling like this. So I'm hoping baby will wait till the end of the week to arrive.....and who knows, maybe baby and big sister Rebecca will share the same birthday of March 29? Can't believe Rebecca is turning 3 on Saturday! Hopefully by the next time I post, we'll all be better and baby will be here. Thank-you to everyone who has been thinking about us and praying for us, we appreciate it.


Lowa said...

Oh no! I remember being sick AND pregnant and it is not fun. But I agree with you. Sick and in labour would be far worse!

Poor little Rebecca! No fun to be feeling so icky:(

Will pray you both recover quickly and all goes well!

Hope you had a nice Easter:)

Lynn & Ryan said...

I remember with Danielle having the worst head cold ever and then I went into was like I was instantly better for the labour but I felt sick again after she was born...hope everything goes well - Keep us posted!

Michelle said...

Monika - Hope that you are indeed feeling better before you go into labor. Can't believe that today is your due date! Time has flown by and I'm sure you're anxious to meet this little person. I'll be praying that everyone is well in your household before this little bambino arrives. It definitely would be cool for Becky and Baby to share the same birthday! Happy birthday to Becky on the 29th! God bless.


Colleen said...

You know I'm just a phonecall away and so much tasty soup is waiting, waiting, waiting. :) I'm praying for you LOTS.