If you can't go snowmobiling...go bowling!
We wanted to go snowmobiling today with our friends, but the warmest it got today was -36 C so we decided to go bowling instead! It still was fun, although I played horribly. Calvin, on the other hand, should join a bowling league! Look at the score he got, 329 - crazy!!! I think he should take up a new sport....
wow, that is a good score. I'm not that good at bowling either Monika
I love the new look of your blog, girl! It's great!
329, hey. Yeah, that's pretty darn good. I once bowled a 36. Yup, a 36. You have to be pretty good to bowl that badly. ;)
I hate to say this but Calvin had more that all of you guys combined. Now if they could make a sport that combined bowling and snowmobiling....hmmm
Hmmm, do you think Calvin will opt for bowling over snowmobiling a bit more now? lol...
Colleen: 36?? WOW, that must have been a lot of gutter balls ;)
David: Yes, thanks for pointing out that Calvin's score was more than the 3 others of our's combined. Yes, combining sledding and bowling would be neat!
Mich: Ahh, nope. He would not pick bowling over snowmobiling unless the temp is under -30 C.
Monica were you watching him at all times? THat Calvin is pretty technologically talented if you know what I mean......
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